More than seventy-five percent of buyers currently begin their home searches on the internet.


Selling Strategies

We combine a comprehensive and finely focused marketing program with our professional management team for the entire selling process to guarantee the broadest possible reach and most lucrative sale.

We use a blend of online marketing, blogging, social media engagement, print advertising and direct mailings, as well as strategic public relations to maximize exposure for our clients’ properties to our network of high net worth investors.


Online Marketing

On our cutting-edge website, users can explore properties, get to know individual property details, learn more about a specific neighbourhood. Prospective buyers can utilize tools like open house planners, interactive floor plans, and mortgage comparison calculators to make the search for the perfect property even easier.

By signing up for the email notification, users will receive an alert each time a new DCANS Properties exclusive or open house matches their specified criteria.


Sellers who choose DCANS Properties

Our sales clients have 24/7 access to all information regarding their Exclusive Property and Personalized Marketing Programme through a password protected account. Within this special section of our website, sellers can view real-time statistics on the number of hits their property has received, their property’s performance compared to similar active properties, advertisements, and open house activity.



DCANS Properties is a leader in the fast-growing area of digital and social marketing. We promote all of our exclusive listings and a complete open house schedule – all day, every day – on top real estate search engines.


Print Advertising

We offer our clients national media exposure with proven results through full-page ads in publications. On the day of the ad’s appearance, our web traffic increases significantly.


Direct Mailing Campaigns

DCANS Properties designs customized e-blasts that feature a detailed description of your property with professional photos, an interactive floor plan, and a link to the listing’s web page. This newsletter is sent to over 3,500 local and international brokers announcing your property’s arrival on the market, and can be forwarded onto any other e-mail address. It will also be re-sent to announce upcoming open houses, and price or status changes to the property.

In addition, we send regular mailings and emails to our lists of top cooperative, condominium and townhouse owners that highlight current market conditions, recent sales, and new offerings.


Public Relations

Our internal public relations team promotes the firm’s exclusive properties for any and all relative real estate trend stories.


Other Competitive Adavantages

• A readymade resource of cash rich investors and potential buyers

• Super fast completions – why wait when we can make it happen?

• Professional photographs taken by our fully trained agents with the wherewithal to wield a camera for best effect!

• Fixed fee, commission

• We’ll negotiate the best price possible on your behalf